Thursday, July 20, 2006

Nate's Stomach Problems

Nate has been struggling over the past year+ with stomach problems. He's been on every medication and been seeing a pediatric Gastroenterology specialist trying to get this fixed. These scoped him, done work ups and until now haven't been able to figure out why the pain won't go away. He gets fairly bad stomach pains almost daily, sometimes pretty bad ones. We've been pretty frustrated at the lack of progress and just got a follow-up call from a work-up they'd done last week after Nate's doctor's appointment.

In the bloodwork they found a bacteria called H. Pylori. H. Pylori is a bacteria that gets in your system, creates ulcers, and then prevents the ulcers from healing. From what I've read online, the treatment is fairly intensive, and explains why none of those stuff we've done so far has worked. The next step is for them to knock him out, scope his stomach and take some tissue samples to validate the problem, and then treat it.

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