Monday, July 17, 2006

Sunday at the Pool

Sunday was fantastic. We went to church in the morning and then headed straight over to Cathie's parents in Dewitt. The temperature was in the 90s, so we pretty much hunt out in the pool all day. Cathie's brother Ed was there and Stacy was up from Ohio as they're getting ready to move, so the kids had a blast playing with them.

Emily and Ed had fun playing in the pool as Ed did tricks under water and Emily watched.

Ed couldn't figure out why the spatula was so flimsy until his Mom asked him where the fly swatter was.

Mom made the girls rasberry daquiris (non-alcoholic, of course) which they loved.

The kids are all swimming like fish now, and they've both started doing flips off the diving board. Some of the practice jumps were a little painful to watch - Nate had a couple where he landed square on his back and another where he landed on his stomach. Ouch.

We had so much fun swimming and hanging out with the family. We barely got out of the water the entire time we were there.

1 comment:

Sooze said...

I find it odd that the only time Ed and Stacey show up to anything is when the rest of the Kurt family is not there.