Friday, October 13, 2006

Bathroom's in Heaven

Eli, Mark Kohne, my Dad and I met up at BW3's in Brighton to watch the Tiger's game. I hit the head and found the most perfect toilet in the world. I started talking with the guy in the urinal next to me about how wonderful this is and he made a great point. The only way it could get better is if there was a TV in the crapper.


Anonymous said...

Why were you talking to the guy next to you???

Unknown said...

What can I say? The TV's make for a festive environment. It's okay, as long as you look him in the eye and your eyes don't break the plane.

Dan & Jon... Remember in Vegas when we learned the hard way that "You don't take pictures in the bathroom!"

Rich said...

I'm with Sheri...

I like to get caught up on my emails in the bathroom… I love that Treo.. Thanks again Jon for changing my life..

There is a website that I blogged about a couple of months ago. Where the guy takes photos of urinals he’s used and in what city.. Very impressive..