Friday, October 06, 2006


These pictures were taken as the little bird was singing "If you're happy and you know it..." as Libby screamed for all of the world to hear. We all found this very funny. Every time Libby cries, Jon explains that she's sick and that she never normally does this. We all chuckle knowingly and ask him to keep his daughter under better control.

My brother Jon teased our children mercilessly growing up. If our children were to cry, Jon would ask us to make them stop because it was annoying to him. He would ask why we were such bad parents and why we couldn't teach our children not to do this.

All of us are torn on how to treat Libby. She is beautiful and wonderful, but there's a part of all of us that want to get back at Jon. The problem is that it's really not fair to Beth or Libby. Jon is the Mother/Father of a first child and like all parents of first children, thinks it's the toughest thing in the world - having no idea what it's like to raise two or more kids at the same time. The best we can really do is sit back and laugh as Jon does typical "first time parenting" things. This annoys Jon while at the same time giving us some satisfaction.

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