Tuesday, October 17, 2006

London, cont.

We went last night we went out to dinner to an Indian resturant. Apparently, Indian cuisine has surpassed traditional British food as the most popular food in the U.K. I learned that there's nothing I like about Indian food except the giant potato chips they give you as an appetizer.
Walking between the buildings, we walked by a guy with a Falcon mounted on his glove. Apparently, they use these to keep the pigeons at bay. They fly them around the building, take down a few pigeons here and there and the word gets around in the bird community to stay away.
I've been learning even more great phrases that I'm hoping to come back and incorporate into my everyday conversation until it gets annoying:
  • Cheers - Thanks
  • Cheerio - Hello/Goodbye
  • Nick/Pinch - To Take
  • Boot- Car Trunk (Jimmy the Boot - Break into your trunk)
  • Hops are Beckoning - I need a beer
  • Lift - Elevator
I went to bed about midnight last night, fell asleep right away and woke up 15 minutes later. I laid there wide awake until about 3:30 AM. Getting up at 2AM EST for 12 hour meetings is a killer.


rudi said...

Dave, please take lots of notes and soak up as much as you can about London. We might be moving there in the spring.

Anonymous said...

The best meal in my opinion would be fish and chip wrapped in newspaper by the thames! I'm jealous I loved touring london. So much cool history.


Anonymous said...

i have heard that nose is sometimes said as pecker in england. please find out if this is true. i heard they use the phrase, "keep your pecker up." and it doesn't mean what you think it does.

Jon said...

Rudi, if you move to London, read the above post. You should take away from it that you not bring any orange shirts along with you.

Jon said...

Rudi, if you move to London, read the above post. You should take away from it that you not bring any orange shirts along with you.