Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Mom's Heart

Some people measure their lives in terms of the position they achieve, the money they make or the stuff they have. My Mom is a person who measures her life in terms of the number of people she loves and impacts in a positive way.

Throughout this past year, we've gotten a taste of the people my Mom has impacted. She has received so many cards, meals, prayer and support that it is really unbelievable. Maybe ridiculous is a better word. In a world that seems to be so self-centered, so many people have stepped up and done amazing kind gestures, small and large. My Mom has savored everyone of them and has been in awe of each of them. People sent her cozy bathrobes, cards, pictures and meals. People have brought her books, driven her to chemotherapy and called and shared their love.

Even in this time where my Mom's body is quitting on her, she is radiating this joy and beauty from every fiber of her being. Even in her pain, she still has a smile on her face. 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18 fits her well here:
16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

I read Beth's sister Laura's blog earlier today, and think it's a great example of how many lives my Mom has touched. This is one of many:
It's been a tumultuous and challenging 12 months for the Kurt family, and I don't think that even begins to describe it. Many of you have been praying for my brother-in-law Jon and his family as his mom has been fiercely battling pancreatic cancer. I thought I'd take a few minutes to tell you about Mrs. Kurt:

Beth and Jon have been married 10 years and dated for several years prior to that. Having said that, I've had the privilege of knowing the Kurt family for many years. I actually worked with Mrs. Kurt at Eddie Bauer on a couple of different occasions in college, once during the holidays and again during a summer. From the day we met, it was not unusual to be greeted with a hearty hug any time our paths crossed. Her home was always open to us and as 'extended family,' we were (and still are) often invited and strongly encouraged to come to Kurt family functions and parties.

Fast forward several years....I will never forget the phone call that I received from Mrs. Kurt when she learned that Paul and I were expecting a baby. You would have thought she was to be a grandma again. She was so excited for us and read to me Psalm 139 (the entire chapter) over the phone.

I later received a package from her that included a small plastic baby at 3 months gestation, and a description of all the miraculous ways the baby was growing and developing at such an early age. Truly every child is a gift of God. I know that Mrs. Kurt believes this with all of her heart. When Elise was born, Mrs. Kurt came by to meet her. I will never forget the way she held Elise with a look of adoration and love. "What a beautiful baby!"

When it came time for Libby (my niece) to join the Kurt family, Grandma and Papa Kurt traveled to Memphis to be present for the big day. Paul, Elise and I were there too. Because Bethie was scheduled for a C-section, we were unable to be there when Libby was born but that didn't stop Grandma Kurt. At the appointed time, Grandma, Papa and Auntie Laura sat in the waiting room for what seemed like an eternity, waiting for some news (any news) of Libby's arrival. Grandma was absolutely beside herself as she waited to see her newest granddaughter. She even attempted to schmooze the nurses into giving us information....Unfortunately without success, but the nurses learned about her family and all of her grandbabies in the process.

One of the most beautiful things about the last 12 months is to see the love and dedication of her family and friends as they have gone through this experience with her. Dave and Susan have some entries in their blogs that will make you both laugh and cry. Be inspired! This family is one of a kind! And Mrs. Kurt will truly be missed! We love you!

1 comment:

rudi said...

Thank you for sharing so many wonderful things about your mom. Even though we are so far away, your words make us feel more connected to your family. Your mother is truly an extraordinary women; she is someone I have always admired because of her big heart and amazing faithfulness. Also, your family is such an inspiration to so many people. The Bonner girls certainly appreciate your family's kindness and willingness to include us. And your mom has always been the one to invite us to so many get-togethers :) However, what stands out the most is your family's closeness and I know that you all work hard to have such great relationships. All of this of course starts with wonderful parents. We are thinking of you all here in Minnesota.
Love, Errin and Rudi