Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Eve Eve

Because our church is in a school until our building is completed, we have church on Christmas Eve Eve. This fits well into our family Christmas schedule and since we're in town, we invite friends and neighbors to church and then over to our house afterwards.

We had a nice service with a nice mix of music, teaching and drama. The message and drama focused back through the Old Testament Maddie did a reading during the service (thanks to Mark Hamilton for the video footage)

After church we went back and over to our house and hung out. We had lots of food and we hung out talking. The kids had their turn at playing the Nintendo Wii before the Dad's took over. We took turns with the different sports games, bowling, baseball, golf and tennis - finding a way to compete at all of them.

Eli and Mark only dreamed of keeping up with my ninja like wii skills.

You can see the pictures of our Christmas Eve Eve here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that video is so cool... my kid can only drool and babble... (like father like son)