Monday, January 15, 2007

24 (Spoiler)

Cathie and i watched the second part of 24 tonight. It's the wrong show to watch before bed-time because you end up so amped from the intensity of the show afterwards, you can't sleep. I can't believe Jack shot Curtis. Had to do it, though. I'd of shot Will in the throat in similar circumstances. And in the leg, just for emphasis.

If you don't watch this show, you need to rearrange everything in your life so that you can watch it. Seriously.


Anonymous said...

Wow, good to know that I am so expendable. Thats ok, I would have bought you from the Chinese and then handed you over to a terrorist to be tortured and killed.

Eli said...

Where is your Jack Baur kill counter?

Anonymous said...

How about a new story line I feel like it is the same as every other season they have put out.


Unknown said...

Yeah, i agree, but I block that out the same way I block out that fact that none of this could really happen in 24 hours.