My five year old Emily has helped me get what Jesus calls us to when he said to love other people the way we love ourselves. Emily loves animals. Any kind of animal. She will try to pet and play with any animal she sees, no matter how big or small. We've had to teach her to ask the people if she can pet their dog, so as soon as she sees someone with an animal, her first words are, "Hi-can-I-Pet-Your-Dog" as fast a you can imagine - almost like it's one word. It doesn't matter how mangy the dog is or how ugly it might look, you can sense from the way she approaches each dog that she sees as if it's the most amazing, special creature she's ever seen. She pets them and talks to them in such a loving, gentle way and they seem to lover her. When I see the way she looks at the dogs, treats them and interacts with them - I get a sense for how we're called to treat others, and I smile.
1 comment:
That was a neat post. Em is a really special girl. In the scripture where it says that we should come to Him like children, you get the idea of the wonderment and awe we should have just like that of a kiddo!
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