Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Party

We had our 16th annual Memorial Day party today with a bunch of neighbors, family and friends. It was a perfect day, about 80 and sunny with a nice breeze. We only had a few major injuries, but none from the tire swing. Andrew busted himself up jumping off the tire swing, the basketball hoop fell on Josh and a few kids rolled off the hammock onto the metal bar below - plus a few other mishaps.
We spent all day sitting outside and talking while the kids ran around playing. We sipped ice cold beer and margaritas while we sat around laughing and telling stories.

My sister Susan is not known for being in touch with her feminine side. You'll never see her wearing a skirt or make up and most of the time her hair is nothing fancy. (We attribute this to the fact that after having three boys, my Mom decided to dress my sister in dresses every day until she was old enough to say no.) Susan allowed Kris to braid her hair, which is something you never see as well. You can tell she's enjoying it.

I have never seen a pair of ankle socks that have no elastic. Dan has somehow achieved this with these beauties.

You can see the rest of the pictures here.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Picasa Web Albums. Death to the family gallery!!!!