Saturday, May 19, 2007

Mowing the Lawn

Nate's started mowing the lawn. I mowed part and Nate took the back yard and did a nice job at it. I hate mowing the lawn, but I'm too cheap to pay someone $35 a week to mow mine. At one point, I'd tried to pay neighborhood junior high kids to mow it and the end result was a lawn that looked like I'd mowed it while drunk.

I'm still trying to figure out if I should pay him, or make it a part of his allowance. Growing up, none of us got paid to mow our lawn until Susan. If I remember correctly, I think my Dad paid her about $40 to mow it.


Will said...

Call me old fashioned, but I think there are chores you get assigned as part of the family. Just don't tell Nate so that I don't fall below Jon on the favorite uncle list.

Unknown said...

Well of course girls get paid to mow the law, that is a boys job. ;)