Saturday, May 26, 2007


We got a call last night from our one of our neighbors to get together for cocktail hour. Along with ten other neighbors, we hung out on the deck around a fire until midnight while the kids played with baseball bats, light-sabers, a portable pool and a sandbox. We took side bets on which one would cry first. Emily was a safe bet with three new band-aids by the end of the evening.

We've lived in this house for 8 years and most of the people there last night have been there a while as well. Our kids have grown up together, we all see each other as we drive in and out of the neighborhood, at the bus-stop or at the store. At any given time any of our kids might be at any of their houses and vice versa. Our neighborhood is an odd one. It's somewhat transient given the price ranges of houses. We've gotten more and more unmarried couples moving in and lots of families with three kids. There are people on my block who I've never met and almost never see and some who I talk to occasionally and wave to when I drive down the street and then there's this group. It was fun hanging with them. I laughed a lot.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I didn't know that you lived on our block.