Thursday, May 17, 2007

Weird Noise

I woke up last night at about 1:30AM and ran to the window, hearing what sounded like a screaming girl out our window. In the middle of the night this sound, combined with the recent kidnapping in South Lyon of one of Maddie's friends got me wide awake in a hurry. I listened at the window and it it turned out to be some kind of animal - making the loudest screaming girl noise I've ever heard. It was creepy. I lay back in bed, listening a minute longer and got back up one more time, not convinced that it wasn't a kid. No idea if it was a wounded cat, raccoon or what it could of been. This morning, i check with Cathie to make sure I hadn't dreamed it all. I hadn't. Cathie had heard it too and thought the same thing I did. She just let me get out of bed and check.

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