Saturday, August 18, 2007

High School Musical 2 Party

Maddie and Em are huge fans of the movie High School Musical, so naturally, there was a big to-do about the premiere last night of High School Musical 2. The girls went all out, turning our family room into a.... um, I don't know... family room with pillows, blankets and menus. Even the dog was not allowed in the family room prior to the big event, leste the blankets get messed up. They created menus for all of the snacks and drinks, and waited on Cathie, Nate and I as we watched the show. Maddie was a little intense as we watched, shusshing anyone who dared utter a word and chastising me for my lack of TiVO remote skills if I skipped a second or two past the commercials and into the show. I'm sure we'll be listening to the soundtrack for months to come. I completely forgot to invite Phil over.

1 comment:

phil said...

i'm honored you thought of me....even if it was a little too late. and who's to say i didn't have my own party for the movie last night?