I think a person's faith and values are important factors in choosing the leader of our country. I'm just not sure it's the only one. I know a lot of great Christians who couldn't lead their way out a paper bag, let alone our country. In this whole idea of having faith be a litmus test for candidates, are we losing focus on other key components on who will run this country for the next 4 years? Peggy Noonan talks about this idea concerning, in my opinion, one of our greatest presidents of all time, Ronald Reagan:
I wonder if our old friend Ronald Reagan could rise in this party, this environment. Not a regular churchgoer, said he experienced God riding his horse at the ranch, divorced, relaxed about the faiths of his friends and aides, or about its absence. He was a believing Christian, but he spent his adulthood in relativist Hollywood, and had a father who belonged to what some saw, and even see, as the Catholic cult. I'm just not sure he'd be pure enough to make it in this party. I'm not sure he'd be considered good enough.
I'm not sure what the right answer is on this, but is the pendulum swinging too far on how Christians are factoring faith into their voting decisions?
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