Friday, April 11, 2008


I've been exercising pretty consistently for the past six years or so. I try and exercise between three to five times every week for 30 minutes to an hour. In those six years, probably the longest I've ever gone without working out has been a couple of weeks. Over the past two years it's mostly consisted of me either going to the gym to lift weights or going to Triad to do the 6am workout, which is more a cross-training cardio/weights mix. Over the past 5 months I've been in a bit of a rut, even having a stint where I worked out twice over a five week period of time. My workouts have mostly been lifting weights with zero cardio. I pretty much hate cardio. It's monotonous, dull and takes a long time. Running is pretty much the worst for me.

This week I decided to try and get out of the exercise rut I'm in. I went to Triad on Monday and Tuesday to get into that work out, lifted on Thursday and went running outside today and Wedensday. On Wednesday I ran about 1 1/2 miles in 12 minutes and it was miserable. Today I ran about 3 1/4 miles in about 30 minutes and it wasn't quite as bad (not quite as good as my Nephew). Apparently if you run really hard for a mile and half and you're not in shape, things don't go so well. If you pace yourself, you can go a bit further I guess. It was sunny, I had the right music on and took my brother-in-law Kevin's advice to go into it with a good additude.

Anyways, I'm committing to getting to Triad a minimum of once a week, running once a minimum of once a week and lifting a minimum of once a week. Running actually intrigues me a bit, just because it's something I've never been much good at or enjoyed too much and it's a good place to push myself into something new. I'm going to try this routine until the end of May and see where it gets me. Eventually, I should probably start eating a bit healthier, but I'll wait on that one for a while.

I'm thinking I can somehow turn this into a reason (excuse?) to get the new 3G iPhone and the Nike GPS connector.

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