Thursday, November 20, 2008

Big 'ol Shot of Wolverine Bitterness

I went to see my doctor today to see how my cholesterol medicine was doing and to get a flu shot. Dr. Kaminski has been my doc, and that of a bunch of my friends, for a while. He's roughly my age and happens to be a wolverine fan. He's got some big 'ol fat head decals of wolverine helmets and other U of M paraphernalia in the offices.

When I came in, I happened to take a couple shots at his team. When he came in to see me, he had a big 'ol crow bar and wrench in his hand and announced, 'time for the prostate exam. we've got a VERY new technique'. I explained that while my brother Dan may get the occasional voluntary prostate exam, I'm not old enough yet.

As he left, he told the nurse to bring in the 'rusty spartan needle' for the flu shot. The nurse came in with this syringe with a nice 3 inch needle filled with tar. Gotta remember to pick who I antagonize a little more carefully.

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