Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Oh the times they are a changing...

I read two papers front to back ever day: The Wall Street Journal and the Detroit News. I love waking up in the morning, especially on the weekend when I have time to savor it, and sit down with a cup of coffee and enjoy the paper in peace and quiet. At the bare minimum, I read the first section of the WSJ, especially the editorial page, the Detroit News first section and sports section.

Because of tough times, The Detroit News is limiting home delivery during the week. I'm not sure exactly when this will start, but they're going to only deliver it at home a couple of days a week. They're trying to shift people to an online medium, which will be interesting. As much as I love my Google News Reader, I still can't tear myself away from having the physical paper to sit down with.


Will said...

Maybe reading it on a Kindle would make you feel better? ;)

Unknown said...

You read my mind and thanks in advance for the gift!

Will said...

You'll get it as soon as I get the new iPhone (with a month of service) you're buying me!