Monday, May 24, 2004

It was a weekend of Birthday parties. We went out with Mark and Jen to celebrate Justin and Lori's birthday on Saturday. We had a great time at Mongolian Barbecue, to Starbucks, and then to see Dan/Buck Enterprises play a couple songs at a Skate festival they were playing at.

On Sunday we celebrated Jason's birthday, starting with luring Jason on stage under false pretenses about doing announcements only to have the whole church sing Happy Birthday to him. I shared with the church how much Jason loves a good hug (the man hates anyone invading his personal space in general). He estimates he got about 50 hugs that day. That night, we had a suprise party at our house under the guise of watching the Simpsons season finale. Matt & Anne, Ted & Sherri, Jess, Jason Monstrola, Nate and his wife, Meghan, Tim, Cathie, Myself and Will were there. When Jason walked, in, he got hit hard with Silly String, largely in the face and crotch. Typically when Silly String comes out of the can it turns into string. Not this stuff. It came out as propelled liquid goo that stuck to whatever it came into contact with. Not in a good way. It was a good time. We watched the final Simpsons episode and then watched a couple episodes of one of my favorite shows Wild Boyz.

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