Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I did the message in church last sunday.  I've been pretty down about it since.  I didn't dwell on it 24/7, but had a pretty heavy feeling about the whole thing.  I processed it, prayed about it, and let it go as I was heading to the airport on the way to do a presentation in Milwaukee. 
I heard from some people that they enjoyed the message I gave, but I didn't.  The content was alright - I was probably a little too broad and not deep enough.  I can deal with that.  Talking with a friend today, I think I figured it out.  I think I judge a lot of the success of the message based on how an audience responds.  I do this with public speaking in my job and at church.  On Sunday, the crowd was flat, I got no response, and I think that really impacted my delivery of the whole message.  It threw me off and I had a tough time recovering.  I'm not sure what to do with that.  I know that God's big enough to work through my imperfections, but I like to have conversational interaction with the audience when I'm speaking.  When they stare blankly at me, I take that as feedback.  Bad feedback.  I'm new at this church teaching thing.  Guess I'll figure it out as I go.
I just found out I'm teaching in August.  Something I have no clue what to do with.  Has to do with the road of faith.  There's a great section on faith in Blue Like Jazz that likes faith to Penguin Sex.  Maybe I'll talk about Penguin Sex. 

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