Thursday, September 16, 2004

Every now and then my kids come up with some great words that stick with me. Take for example:
  • Baby Fighter - Great generic word that can be used as an insult, a complement or an explicative. Nate came up with this one.
  • Stink Rat - A pillow fighting game that Nate and I play. It involves getting points for either sneaking up on and wacking someone with a pillow or launching a pillow from across the room.
The latest one comes from Emily:
  • Ching Bonk - She and I were out on a bike ride last week and saw a squirrel. She came back and started talking about the Squirrel (Ching Bonk). It's a great word. You've gotta try saying it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite Bradism was "Bumpop" for Popcorn and "kittily" for Kitty. He'd call our cat and say "kittilitilitily" Where'd that cute little boy go?? He's 6ft tall now. *sigh*
