Friday, October 22, 2004

I took the day off today and let Cathie sleep in while I got the kids ready for school. Cathie was telling me that as she lay in bed she overheard Madeline complaining about not being able to do her hair (because she knows I don't have a clue). Nathan came in and volunteered that he could do her hair. She asked him if he knew how, and he said he did.

Emily and I hung out the rest of the morning watching Dora and an animal show on the Discovery Channel-HD. She just digs animals in all shapes and sizes. Cathie, Emily and I are getting ready to head out to lunch in a little bit.

We had a big group of people over last night to watch Survivor. We ended up hanging out aftewards watching The Daily Show, which just kills me. If you haven't seen John Stewart on CNN's crossfire yet, you have to check this out, particularly the part where he calls one of the hosts a dick. (Thanks to Noel for the link)

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