Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dollar Store Redemption

Just read this great article in relevantmagazine.com about redemption. Here's an excerpt:
I hate dollar-store-toys. There, I said it. My only dilemma: I have three boys that are crazy about them. I know I can make them smile in wistful excitement with a trip to the Dollar Store and a brand new toy—maybe an airplane, a plastic truck or a rubber bat (the flying kind). But every time we leave the store the toys break into a thousand pieces in about 4.5 seconds. I make an effort to repair them, usually to no avail. The toys soon disappear into the toy-box-abyss, and within hours the toys are a memory.

This world has a great deal of short-term fulfillments to offer—things that claim to give us what we need, things that boast of the ability to make us who we’re meant to be with three-easy-payments. Cheap imitations of grace lay around every corner and the temptation is always imminent: Get a shoddy replica of redemption for instant gratification at the cost of our own hearts.

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