Monday, April 10, 2006


After church, we had the first annual Crossroads Easter Egg hunt at our church's property. It was a blast! The weather was perfect, we had a huge group of people there, both old and new from church, and tons of people from the community stopped by to take part. We had a couple bounce-houses (which the jr higher's and I were able to commendere for some big time wrestling), sack races, face painting, cookie decorating and live easter egg decorating.

Along with Joe and Craig, Brad and I were selected to be decorated by kids as human easter eggs. Each group of kids got a bag of stuff, including silly string, stickers, toilet paper, streamers and other miscellaneous crap to cover us in. They had five minutes to decorate us. My favorite part was when one of the kids shoved the can of silly string in my ear and let 'er rip.

There was a Dad's sack race, which I was clearly winning until Brad decided to deliver a hard check (alright, hard for Brad... Comon - he's almost 60) which sent me flying and took me out of contention.

In a stroke of genius the week before during one of our pastoral Q&As, one of the kids in our church had the bright idea to ask Joe, "If you become pastor, can I hit you in the face with a pie?" Everyone else is asking his take on hermanutics, this kid's the only smart one in the group that understands the kind of leverage she has. Today, Joe delivered on that promise, now that he's our official new pastor:

The event was a huge success. It connected us in the church to each other as we got to hang out and help out, it connected us with new people in our community and it gave me a chance to establish the fact that I'm the alpha male in the bounce-house big-time-wrestling.

After Saturday's game, Nate and I wanted to work on some of the plays. I wanted to simulate the pressure a quarterback gets in a real game, so we got Emily and Cathie to try playing defense for us. It took about 5 minutes for Emily to understand that when Nate says "Hike", she should try and rush the line and try and get Nate. I had to tackle Cathie a couple of times even though she didn't have the ball.

1 comment:

Dan said...

What is "Live Easter Egg Decorating"??? Is this decorating non-hardboiled eggs or decorating baby chickens?