Monday, November 27, 2006

Kick Me

Emily is learning how to read and write and is pretty proud of herself. She spent this afternoon writing "Kick Me" on sticky notes and sticking them on mine and Nate's backs and we spent the evening pretending we didn't notice. It took her a while to figure out which side of the sticky note to write on, but eventually she got it and she was thrilled at the fact that she'd figured it out. . She stuck one on my back that I'd forgotten about it and went out tonight wearing it around until someone pointed it out to me.


Anonymous said...

Just for the record, Dad started the whole kick me signs in our family. He taught Matthew & Andrew this about 2 years ago and the kids have passed this down grandchildren chain. Thanks Dad!!!

Unknown said...

Remember when Dad taught us how to short sheet a bed and we ran around doing it to everyone in the house? Acutally, Jon and I did it to you.