Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day Pool Party

Dan,Dave, Susan, Dad Father's DayRon and Cathie - Father's Day
What a great fathers day weekend. Cathie's parents were kind enough to invite my whole family over to celebrate Cathie's Dad, my Dad, my brother and brother-in-law all at once. I liken the Kurt family's invasion of someone's pool to the scene in Caddyshack where the caddies are given one hour in the clubhouse pool every year. Being father's day, the day was filled with gifts. We tried to explain to my Dad that the custom is for him to start giving us gifts, but he didn't buy in to that. We got him a GPS system, which he's needed. Dan was kind enough to set the language to Swahili upon setup, which my Dad was able to restore after a couple of days. As any Kurt gathering goes, the day was filled with many naps. The picture below on the left is of all three of Kevin, Dan and I all taking naps in the pool. The one on the right is what happens if you take a nap in the open. That is lotion, not bird poop. Susan explained it this way:
Ben walked by Dave and said, "What that stuff on him??" I whispered to him that it was sunscreen and that he couldn't say anything to him. Ben looks at me and whispers back, "Oh. You not want him know that on him. 'kay." He totally got that it was a joke, without me actually telling him. Boy that kid fits perfectly into our family.

One thing I learned about my sister is that she doesn't know how to dive into a pool. I'm not talking fancy dives - I'm talking diving period. Check out the pics that Dan took to watch the sequence of her trying. Very amusing.

Again, Susan's description of this picture made me laugh:
While we were all sitting around chatting, Dave pulls out one of Cathie's books. Or so we thought. The cover has a guy, half dressed and underneath it said, "The best fantasy series......" He finally admitted that it was his book....and not Cathie's.
He claims its the best series ever. I'm sorry, but no matter how good that book is, I would never take it out in public....especially around my family.
We spent most of the day in the pool, drinking drinks and launching kids. The Mom's did a great job taking care of the Dad's and making it a very special day for us.
I started throwing the kids up in the air frontwards until they graduated to the back flip. I was amazed when I saw Dan's pictures just how high up they were going. I think I chucked Andrew about 10 feet up at one point.

Andrew JumpingMaddie Jumping

As the drinks flowed, we got a little more daring. We started trying to dive into the middle of this floating basketball hoop. We probably should of checked to see if it was physically possible to fit through it before hand. I'm surprised Kevin's head made it through the hole.
Kevin at Father's DayFather's Day at the Lebbon PoolFather's Day at the Lebbon Pool

Thanks again to Mom and Dad Lebbon for inviting us over and making this such a great day. If you have a sec, take a look at Dan and Susan's view. They have way more pictures and a better description.

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