Friday, November 14, 2008

Blogging Feedback

For the most part, I have no idea who reads my blog. I go through ups and downs in the frequency, but lately, I've been putting more effort into Facebook stuff instead of my blog. I guess either my life has been pretty boring lately, I've been busy, or just haven't felt like writing anything down.

I received the following note from a couple of friends at work, Cyndi and Silas, who read my blog and have no qualms in telling me what they think about it:
Cyndi and I feel your blog has been really lacking good content over the past few weeks. To be honest you changed the backdrop and called that a revitalization and its no different then changing the wallpaper from roses to daffodils while keeping the fixtures and toilet the same. In the past it was fun, had technology tips, and made me want to go visit it. It used to be something we visited for enjoyment and pleasure reading, but lately.. Well.. It’s really not cutting it and I have moved it to the later part of my day instead of the first part as it just doesn’t excite me anymore. Perhaps in your new found extra time, since no big deals are beings signed, you can sign up for one of those online courses to help you improve your blogging skills. I am not sure where you can go for this but I am sure we will here about it in your blog as this might be the only thing you have right now to blog about.

We hate to sound so harsh but friends should not let friend’s blog like you have in the past few weeks.

Some might say Cyndi and Silas have too much time on their hands. Some might say that Silas is the Haji to my Johnny Quest. I was laughing as I read this note to my wife. Her response:
I've been thinking the same thing. Your blog's been pretty boring lately. Just lots of pictures. Nothing really that interesting.

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