Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lose the world...

Not usually a big John Piper fan, but I dig the line at the end:
God i most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in him in the midst of loss, not prosperity.


philwing said...

"not usually a big John Piper fan"

seriously??? I love that dude!

That quote is from his book "Desiring God", which God definitely used to open me up to a bigger view of Christianity and what it really means to walk with God. That was when I was 19.

That video is a kicker!

Unknown said...

i read desiring god about 10 years ago and it really turned me off to Piper. Ever since I've read his stuff through that same filter. I don't really recall why, though. Enough people that I respect dig his stuff that it's probably worth going back and re-reading it.