Last Saturday, Bob, Brad and I ran the local Witch's Hat 10k race. This was my second time running it after doing the race with my brother-in-law Kevin, with last year's time being 46m 2s and a 7:25 min/mile pace. I ran the 10k a couple weeks after running my first half marathon and didn't really know what to expect. My goal this year was to beat that time.
I ran the first three miles at a 7:05 pace and then started dropping off a bit for the final three. I paced myself against the same 70 year old man Kevin and I followed last year, but this year I passed him in the end. The final leg to the finish line is up hill, which is brutal, but you've got a whole cheering section there that makes you dig deep.
This was Bob and Brad's first 10k and Bob finished in 55 minutes, which is great. Bob and I waited for an hour at the finish line for Brad for a while and then started getting worried. We walked back part of the course and couldn't find him. As old as Brad is, we figured he'd had a heart attack and died. Apparently he pulled his achilles tendon (one would expect that he would of pulled his groin).
I had my heart rate monitor on this year, my heart rate got to places I've never gotten it before, even on my long runs. I was upwards of 181bpm towards the end as compared to my resting heart rate of 45bpm normally, and 175bpm on a typical hard run.
My time was 44:46 with an average pace of 7m13s, 12 seconds per mile better than last year. You can see the runkeeper map here.
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