Tuesday, May 06, 2003

I flew in this morning to Kansas City, Missouri to work at Park University for the next few days. I'm down here with Sandy and Mike finishing up our project's Technical Design Specification for a document imaging system we're implementing. Our team works pretty well together. Mike has a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor while Sandy is the Project Manager and the unoffical team Mom. They're both great workers, and are the kind of people you want in the trenches with you.

I'm reading a pretty decent book - The Third Counsel. Good presidential thriller.

I've almost logged enough flying miles this year (20,000 at the end of April. I need 25k for Silver) to put me at my Northwest Silver Elite Status. Once I hit silver I can once again get automatic first class upgrades and other perks. Not traveling much last year was nice, but I lost my Elite status and had to start from scratch this year to rack up the miles again. It's not uncommon for some of my co-workers to hit 100,000 miles in a given year. Ouch. The elite flight statuses are worn as badges of honor, but what a price to pay!

We'll work today until about 5:00, head out for dinner and then to the hotel. I'll probably go see a movie tonight.

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