Wednesday, July 09, 2003

I finished the latest Harry Potter book. What a great book with a great ending! I just started The Blue Horizon by Wilbur Smith. It's the third book in a series historical fiction book that in the mid-1700s that follows a family in South Africa involved in merchant trading. Sounds dull when I describe it, but it's a great story that really captures you into it.
I'm still cranking through the book of Romans. Trying to take it in small chunks and digest it bit at a time. I wish I could say that I'm loving it and that it's hitting me at the core, but right now I'm trudging through it.
Zach and I continue to work out in the mornings. We do a good job pushing each other on. I haven't been this sore the day after a workout in a while. I'm traveling next Monday - Thursday, and then I leave for vacation on Saturday.

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