Monday, July 07, 2003

I just ordered the new John Eldredge book - Waking the Dead. Can't wait to read it. I've got a great book in the bathroom that I've been reading when I poop called Cleared for Takeoff by Wayne Rice. It's a book on how to teach your kids to become responsible, self-reliant adults along the way. I know I've got a ways to go until this actually happens with my kids, but it's got great stuff in terms of installing things like respect, responsibility, resourcefulness and reverence now so they doesn't become issues down the road. Wayne Rice wrote the book Junior High Youth MInistry, which is the greatest book alive on Jr. High stuff. I read about an article by him talking about his book, and figured it was worth having. I ran into Wayne at a buffett line at a hotel in Dallas Texas and had a chance to tell him what an amazing book it was. My 10 seconds of fame.

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