Tuesday, July 01, 2003

I saw the Hulk last night with Pierce. I liked it. It was very true to the comic book, and the computer generated hulk was visually amazing. It was interesting that there was virtually no blood, minimal death, and no swearing in the movie. I'm still baffled by how the hulk's shirt is torn to shreads, but his pants always stay on. They get ripped from the knees down, but the rest are in tact. Does Bruce Banner have some kind of crazy elastic pants on at all times?

I've talked to quite a few kids back from camp who are comitted to really digging in and reading their bible. I'm praying that after the warm fuzzies of camp wear off, that they're continuing on, growing and being transformed by it. Same thing applies to me. I'm reading through Romans also - Day 2.

One of my all time favorite pictures.

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