Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Four states in one day. I flew into Kansas City this morning to meet with the president and CEO of Xerox, Anne Mulcahy. What a great woman, a great leader. Very down to earth and very personable - she did a great job focusing on others and thanking our team for the work that we've done out there. To coincide with Anne's visit, we had a press release put out today on the project I've been working on for the past year.

I left Kansas City today at 3, and from there flew to Memphis, and from Memphis to Mobile, Alabama. I spent way too much time in airports, and on airplanes today. My hotel has a beautiful view of the bay in Mobile, looking out into the gulf and the ship-yards, but I'm stuck with dial-up access. Could be worse - at least it's 80 degrees here.

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