Wednesday, October 01, 2003

For some reason, I woke up about 5:00 am. I lay there for a few, but eventually, headed downstairs to the gym and exercised for a while, before coming back up to my room to get ready. I'm back working as an expert witness on a lawsuit down in Mobile with two of my co-workers, Greg and Glen.

I was listening to a song from a while back called This World by Caedmon's Call. It's got some great lyrics that really strke me:

This world has nothing for me
And this world has everything
All that I could want
And nothing that I need

On a daily basis, I check out a site called and see great deals on stuff that I really have no need for, but love to own. I'll buy something, desparately wait for it to arrive, and then move on to my next acquisition. Irrational as it is, there's a part of me that really believes that these things will give me life, complete me. I guess as I look at my life over the past 10 years, at least I'm pursuing things that are a little healthier, I don't do it as frequently, and I at least recognize that it's a pattern in my life. That's growth, right?

I'm in my hotel room flipping between news channels, and the CIA leak is the only thing anyone wants to talk about. Oh for Ben and J-Lo to be back in the news...

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