Thursday, October 30, 2003

I flew in from Lousivlle, KY last night to Kansas City, MO by way of Houston, TX. Since I had about 4 ½ hours on the plane last night, I watched the movie The Outlaw Jose Wales on my laptop. What a movie and what a character! This movie really connected with me – not because of some amazing story of redemption intertwined in the plot, but because of Jose Wales character. Jose Wales was an historical figure, a guerilla fighter against the Union army during the Civil War. It didn’t matter what the situation was or how outnumbered he was – he always came through in a pinch. He never abandoned his friends or the hurting people he came along in his travels, he always did the right thing. I think every guy hopes when he’s in similar situations, he’d respond the same way Jose Wales did - that they have what it takes, and I think that’s why this movie really grabbed me. There’s a part of me that thinks that if I were in similar situation I would blow it, take the easy way out, not come through in a pinch. I know that’s not who I am at the core – but I have my doubts at times.

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