Sunday, May 30, 2004

Cathie went to Chicago on Friday morning with her Mom and Madeline on a girls shopping weekend, so Nate, Emily and I are going solo. Friday night, Nate and I did a guys night. We played cards, watched the world series of poker, watched x-men, drank pop (caffinated even), ate pizza rolls and stayed up late.

Saturday was a pretty lazy day where we just hung out for a while, not doing much productive. Jay and I worked on our message for Sunday and then Will, Jess, Heidi, Jason and I hung out last night.

The message went pretty well today. Jason and I did what we wanted to do, and it went pretty smooth. There were no horrible screw-ups or things that in retrospective we'd of radically changed, so I guess that's a good thing. You can listen to the message here. The beginning of the message starts out with this video clip, without which you might be kind of confused.

I've got to start pulling stuff together for the message next Sunday, which is me going solo. I've got the content together, I've just to go put it in some kind of order and write it out.

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