Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I love this idea of being okay with who God has called your church to be wether or not people jump on board or not.

The Relevant Church: A New Vision for Communities of Faith:
Churches need to remember one of the basic phenomena of human attraction: The least likable kid on the playground was always the one trying hardest to be liked. The cool kids, on the other hand, were popular partly because they didn't seem to care if they were liked; they were doing their thing whether or not you were watching. Those were the kids the rest of us openly (or secretly) admired (or envied). The theological version of this grade-school truism is that the Church will be most provocative and alluring when it is being itself, being who God has constituted it to be, that is, being a mini-society that proclaims the person and work of Christ, and imitates His sacrificial service. The Church will be least relevant when it is caught in the act of reinventing itself to gain more friends.


April said...

hello- i really dig your blog and hope you don't mind me reading it! please feel free to visit mine-

April said...

also- quick question- what's velocity? I love your links- i've recently read Journey of Desire! great book

April said...

sorry- pre-warning you, I'm pretty real in my's kinda my online journal, so it's kinda personal.

Unknown said...

Velocity is a camp we do with a bunch of youth groups Churches of all different denominations in Michigan and Ohio down at Kenyon College in Ohio.