Monday, October 18, 2004

Dodgeball was great last night, until about 9:15 PM. I was actually playing half-way decent, until about 9:15 PM. Part way through the first match my back started huritng a little bit, but i figured I play through it. During one of the games, I chucked a ball and had a nasty spasm go through my back that hurt really, really badly, to the point that I couldn't really stand up, sit down or move without a lot of pain. I called Kirk Vickers, he told me to ice it and come in in the morning.

Kirk is a good friend of mine who owns Triad Health and Fitness, a performance training center in Novi. He works with pro-athletes and guys like me. Kirk knew what the problem was (something to do with having twisted my spine weird and having my hips out of whack). He put me in some strange positions that I'm not sure they even do in prison, stretching and pushing my thighs in a way that hurt worse than the original back pain. I stood up and amazingly enough, most of the pain was gone.

I guess this means I'm getting old. I don't remember having back problems in 5th grade when I played dodge ball.

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