Monday, October 18, 2004

Apparently bad-mouthing the Apple comunity is the equivalent to bad-mouthing Pat Robertson - you're going to get lots of e-mail after Pat (Noel) sics them on you . I made some observations about Apple users, iPod people specifically to which Noel responded. As you'll see, I've received a number of responses, per Pat's - I mean Noel's request. Apparently, Apple users are very succeptible to suggestion.

Let me clarify my position. I believe the Mac OS is far superior to Windows XP. The Mach kernel that OS X uses has been around for a long time (I worked on it on the NeXT OS 15 years ago in college) and the interface that it uses is phenomenal. Their software integrates in very tightly and being tied to Unix, there are minimal security issues. The chipset that the Mac is designed around is better and the cases look cooler. I don't disagree with any of that.

I do believe that Mac users have a certain arrogance and self-righeousness about them. Kinda like University of Michigan grads. You don't have to ask them if they're one because they'll tell you. Over and over. Is there such a need to be counter cultural about something that they jump on to the Mac bandwagon? I'm okay if people want to use Mac's - just don't try and hold it over people's heads that it somehow defines who you are and makes you better than everyone else, or that you know more than everyone else (except for Noel, who really does know more than everyone else. <--Noel, that was put out there to appease your followers.)

1 comment:

Noel Heikkinen said...

You have to admit that, although arrogant and condescending (what more do can you expect from a Mac Addict), their posts to your site were poetic.

BTW, I am now an Apple user that sits in the first class section on Northwest. If I was a University of Michigan law program grad, I would be the epitome of snobbery.