Friday, October 22, 2004

I just heard something that thrilled me from two people who don't go to my church. Both commented on how many people within our community had heard about all the crap (Pastor infidelity) that happened at Crossroads in the past however many months its been. Both people also commented on how we've been handling it as a church - one that we've handled it differently than any church he'd seen, the other that we handled it so well, he started coming to Crossroads.

When we started going down this road, one of our goals was that we be known for exactly these things - a church that loves well, even in the face of turmoil. We haven't done it perfectly, but I think we've done just that, handled it differently and loved well. This really offsets the angst I get from all of the giant crap-weasels who left as a result of this instead of sticking it out. (I even love giant crap-weasels).

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