Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The message from Mars Hill on Mastering the Art of living that I referenced earlier continues to be stirring inside of me in a way that things haven't in a while. It's causing me to look at how I talk to people in person and on the phone, how I spend time with my wife and kids and how I enjoy what I have and where I'm at today and in the moment. Probably not a big deal for other people, but I seem to be so focused on what's coming next or where i'm going that I have a tough time time just existing in the present moment - no matter what it is.

It really hit me yesterday when I tried a practical application. I was meeting with Mark, one of the guys on my team at a local coffee shop. Typically when I show up I'm armed with my cell phone and laptop delivering instant message conversations, e-mails and phone calls as we talk. This time, I sat there with my notebook and pen and talked and listened. I was amazed at how I processed where we were at and what we were talking about and was in that moment instead of de-focused on everything. Same thing when I travel, typically when I call home and talk to Cathie I've got the TV on in my hotel room and my laptop in front of me - checking e-mail, IMing all while talking to my wife. I've started just shutting down and listening and focusing.

I went to the prayer meeting last night. We prayed individually for about 30 minutes and then the five of us prayed together for a half hour. It was an amazing time that refreshed and reconnected me to God in a way that my quiet time in the morning hasn't.

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