Thursday, March 10, 2005

Cool Technology
This is a new (for me) application I've been messing around with called Desktop Sidebar. It gives you a lot of desktop funcitonality on the side of your screen - I've got a stock ticker, weather, clock performance status and pictures all going on at once. Great for an ADD guy looking for reasons to be distracted. It hasn't passed the three week test yet, but I like it so far. If I'm still using it after three weeks, I'll let you know.

Here's a list of some apps you've gotta have:
1. Firefox - Better internet browser than Internet Explorer. Say goodbye to spyware.
2. Bloglines - A much better way to read blogs, this is a free web site that gives you a single source to view all of the blogs that you're reading, telling you automatically which ones have been updated.
3. Microsoft's Antispyware application - They wrote the buggy code that gets infected, makes sense that they're giving away the application to clean it up.
4. X1 - The greatest desktop search engine ever. This is worth the $75. Google's desktop search is nice for casual use, but X1 is good enough to make me look smart. It can instantly search across my 10GB e-mail archival and 30GB of documents. Makes it nice when I'm on a conference call and someone brings up either a name or a subject that I have no idea about, and I can instantly pull up all of the reference info I need. Only downside is that it doesn't support Microsoft OneNote content.
5. Picasa - The best photo album, sharing and viewing software on the market, and it's free as part of Google's push to own the digital content space. This app blows away Mac's much touted iPhoto software.
6. Anapod Explorer - iTunes lets you hook up one and only one computer to your iPod. This app lets you control, access and manage your iPod repository from a secondary computer.

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