Friday, March 11, 2005

My HD TiVo had been acting wacky for the past few days. I talked to Tech Support and they had lots of dumb suggestions as to why it was periodically freezing up. They wanted me to reset it and delete all my shows to see if that would fix it. The tech support gal asked me if there was anything important I needed to watch. I responded that it was TV, so in the big scheme of things, it wasn't life or death stuff, but I didn't want to nuke it. She responded that I should take a day or so, watch whatever I need, and then we could try it. I'm not sure if she knew I was joking when I told her I'd try and take a week off of work to get caught up on my TV. Anyways.

Last night as we were watching Survivor, I was on my last straw. I finally said, "Next time it freezes, I'm going downstairs to get my other Tivo (which I'd taped it on) and we'll watch that." It froze. I jumped up, went two steps, and it came back on. I sat down. It froze again. I jumped up, went two steps to the same spot, again it came back on. Few minutes later, it froze. I stomped on the ground, it came back on. Turns out, I had a loose power cord. Working fine now.

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