Sunday, May 29, 2005

Fun weekend so far, but kinda tiring. On Friday night Ted, Will, Bob, Brad and I got together for Bob's birthday out at Brad's cottage. We grilled out a huge meal of steak and salmon and enjoyed some fine beer and tequila (Bob collects fine tequila). After dinner we went out on the boat, complete with my iPod and iPod speakers. We went from song to song, enjoying some quality sing-a-longs. I know what you're thinking: a bunch of guys singing along together on a boat ride.... We were singing rock-and-roll songs from our past... Forget it, sounds pretty odd no matter how I describe it. Cathie went out dancing with her friends Jen and Lori.

On Saturday we got together for our friend Justin's birthday at the Girard's house, along with the Niemi's. It was pretty low-key, but fun. Could have been better if Justin had gone along with my suggestion: My idea was that we get out a bunch of magazines and cut out words and pictures that define our friendship, and make a giant friendship collage. Kidding... That's from Scrubs. Cathie and I came home and got caught up on Alias... Well, almost. We've still got the season finale to watch.

Today after church we had some friend's, Jason and Jess Shinn and Jason and Tracy Raitz come over along with their three kids, Becca, Bob and Zach. We barbecued and hung out and talked about life. Jason's just left a dream job at a mega-church to work for Project311 full time. Jason's got a dependence on God that's phenomenal. He tours around speaking nationally, and is a phenomenal leader of huge teams. Here's 8 questions with Jason...

Tomorrow is our annual barbecue. It started about 10 years ago with Noel and Grace, Mike and Micky and Cathie and I. It's grown to almost 30+ people. Should be fun.

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