Friday, May 13, 2005

My nephew Gabe (Susan and Kevin's son) had to go to the hospital last night after he shoved a lego up his nose. Apparently Kevin heard Gabe screaming at bedtime, figuring he's just throwing a fit. Kevin goes up and Gabe tells him that his nose hurts. Kevin asks why and Gabe replies "Because there's a lego in it!" Kevin responded with the obvious question "Why do you have a lego in it?" His response: "Because it looked like it would fit". Urgent care couldn't get it out. It finally came out with a good nose blowing.

This goes to prove Drew and Mike's theory that "If there's a hole, something's going in it."

As I was laughing, Cathie reminded me that Nate had a similar deal happen. She'd taken him into the doctor because of an ear ache. The doctor looked in and pulled out an eraser from his ear. He couldn't remember how it got there until it suddenly came to him. He'd found it on the bus and thought it was an ear plug. People were being loud, so he put it in his ear. Makes sense.

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