Monday, May 09, 2005

We had a fun weekend. I met up with Bill Belanger to go mountain biking out at Island Lake. It was a good time to catch up with Bill. We don't do it enough now that we're not on the same team. I got Cathie a mountain bike for Mother's day. I'd gotten her one (in theory) when she was pregnant with Emily, but we never actually got the bike. I sized it and picked it out for her, and brought it home to suprise her. Friday night I had a Project 311 Vision meeting. On Saturday I woke up early and hung out with Emily for a while, until I started jonsing for some sugar cereal. I ran up to the store at 8 and picked up my two favorites - Captain Crunch and Golden Grahams. We had a showing that morning at 11:30, so Cathie and I brought Nate an Madeline over to a neighbor's house while we hooked the bike-buggy up and took Emily on a bike ride. We rode over to a nearby neighborhood where we checked out a model home. We had more showings that afternoon so we took the kids and their friends to 7-11 and then to the park to hang out for a couple of hours. We ended the grilling bonanza with Chicken Fajitas and Cathie and I got caught up on Tivo'd episodes of Alias that night.

On Sunday, I let Cathie sleep in and made her breakfast in bed, except I figured out too late that we no longer had a breakfast-in-bed-tray. Oops. I took the kids to church and let Cathie lounge around the house for a while. I hadn't hung out with the kids in Fusion for a while and it reminded me of how much I love those guys. After church, we headed over to Cath's Mom and Dad's house. They have an awesome in-ground pool and we had beautiful weather, so we hung out in the pool for Mother's Day, grilling out and splashing around. I was messing around with some of the new features on my new digital camera, including the speed-shot mode, which takes three pictures in a second, capturing action shots really well. Cathie's brother Ed was doing front and back flips, so I was getting stop motion shots of the action, which turned out really cool. We headed back around 6 so I could pack and get to the airport. I finished up some homework for this class on the plane and got here safe and sound.

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