Monday, May 23, 2005

We had our Project 311 board meeting last night. Great meeting, great group of guys all with a passion around what we're doing. We've grown together as a board and cool to see everyone headed in the same direction. Anyways... We had a conversation last night around church sponsorship of what we're doing in 311 and how they could sponsor us in the same way they sponsor other missionary groups. No big deal... except for how it was communicated, and how immature I must be to think it was funny. One of the board members, who will remain nameless, (Bruce), explained that "To understand where the church is coming from, you really have to put yourself in the missionary position and..." He didn't get much further as I fell on the floor laughing. Like I said, immature.


Dan Price said...

We've had Fruedian slips all over the place in our leaders meetings. One pastor was talking about discipleship and said something like "we need man on man and woman on woman here" I responded with "or Man on Woman could work too huh?"

Unknown said...

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