Monday, May 02, 2005

We sat down with the kids and had a family meeting to talk about moving. We've been talking about it for a while, but the kids are in denial. Nathan and Madeline don't want to move away from their friends, Emily is just saying it because they do, since the friends she plays with aren't in our neighborhood. It's hardest on Nate, who's best friend Austin lives two houses down from us. They're inseperable, and we love the guy kid. I threw some paper up on the wall and we brainstormed on the good and bad things about moving. We talked through them and prayed about it as a family. The only consolation Nate had was that I told him we'd set up a DLP projector in the basement for video games and movies. This whole part of it is making moving hard.

I sold $80 worth of my crap at our neighbor's garage sale! I was going to toss it all. My neighbor did all the work and I collected the money. Nice setup.

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