Thursday, September 22, 2005

After posting below on this article, i sent the author a note and got a response. I'm now actually dumber than I was before thanks to her response:

Subject: Youth Specialties

I've gotta tell this in the nicest way possible, but I'm dumber for having read the Youth Ministry Update around Youth Specialties. It is ill informed, ignorant and full of half truths. I encourage you to take a real look at Youth Specialties and actually attend one of the conference instead of bad mouthing it. Talk to youth pastors who leverage YS's great resources, training and encouragement and see if your opinions hold true.


Cathy Mickels wrote:
Are you saying that you are willing to overlook error and false teachings such as yoga, contemplative prayer, and labyrinth walks introduced to the Body of Christ?
These spiritual practices are all contrary to the Word of God and they are rooted in eastern religions. Have you read the articles written in Youth Specialties material endorsing many of these eastern spiritual practices?
Out of love for the brethren and God's word, believers have a responsibility to warn others.
English preacher, J.C. Ryle, wrote in the 1800's, "...controversy in religion is a hateful thing...But there is one thing which is even worse that controversy and that is false doctrine tolerated, allowed and permitted without protest or molestation...I believe to maintain pure truth in the church men should be ready to make any sacrifice, to hazard peace, to risk dissension, and run the chance of division. They should no more tolerate false doctrine than they would tolerate sin."
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth...but you be watchful in all things..." 2 Tim.4
In Christ,

Thanks for your note. Have you ever seen Christian Writers who bash movies, music and books which they've never actually seen? When I see it happen, I feel embarssed for how that person is ignorantly representing our faith to the world around us, fufilling a lot of the stereotypes that people have about Christians. I would encourage you to actually check out a Youth Specialties conference and talk to some of the people involved, like their president, Mark Ostreicher.
On a side note, I'd love to hear your explain how things like Yoga, Contemplative Prayer and Labyrinth Walks are contrary to the word of God. Are you familiar with some of the ancient practices of our faith like Lectio Divina?
I hope as you dig deeper into these things, you'll clarify some of your misconceptions.


Will said...

Unfortunately, I can see this person being tightly secured in her ivory tower. I can hear the condescending tone in her voice as she explains scripture to you.

I understand the need for sound doctrine and to protect against false teaching, but come on... this is rediculous. One of the things I am getting tired of is Christian subculture railing against "Eastern" religion. Christianity IS an Eastern religion for goodness sake! I'm not going to start worshipping Buddha or using the word "Universe" instead of Christ just because I may use some practical techniques shared with other religions to put myself in God's presence. And I have not seen one line of scripture that contradicts me... unless you want to misrepresent what I am doing, and blow it way out of proportion. My focus, and I believe YS's focus, is on Christ. It would be nice if the author could see that.

Ok, rant finished.

Noel Heikkinen said...

Random comments:

1) I agree that Christianity is an Eastern Religion. We can learn a ton from remembering that and separating it from the Western brain wash we have added to it.

2) I think YS is doing an amazing job impacting hundreds of thousands of lives.

3) I agree that we have to watch our doctrine closely. I actually like the quote she used, but I hate the fact that it is connected to her position here.

4) I also think Lectio Divina is one of the largest loads of crap in Christian history. I detest that it is being used so widely again. Ick. (IMHO, of course)

Unknown said...

I suck at being quiet and reflective. For me, Lectio Divina has been a good tool to shut up, be still and meditate on scripture and get something out of it. Probably other better ways, but it was the first thing I'd run across like it and it's good.

chris kottre said...

Dave... I dig your blog, man.

Will... I find it kinda interesting that you point out Cathy's condescending tone and accuse her of sitting in an ivory tower when Dave's first point in his original email is that he's dumber for reading her article.

Seems to me that Dave was a bit more condescending than she was...

I'm not trying to kick up a blog war, man... but it kinda struck me funny...

Unknown said...

This reminds me of the same logic used in The Holy Grail using the whole " If... she... weighs... the same as a duck,... she's made of wood." Similar logic to the idea that if Youth Specialties encourages dancing as an expression of worship, and witches dance, then YS must be leading people towards witch-craft.

I have no idea what it means to have alpha brain patterns. But in reading the web site, it seems they brand Richard Foster as a heretic as well, which lowers my opinion of the organization even further.

I do know that I've connected with God in an amazing way as a part of YS's events, including Prayer Labyriths and contemplative prayer.

Will said...

For Chris... I get your point. I would say that Dave's tone (because he is my best friend, I can usually affect the proper tone of voice in my head while reading his writings) is mostly sarcastic here. I think that we can go back and forth with people we don't agree with. I am mostly saddened by beliefs and actions that this woman has portrayed. Too often I respond out of anger and frustration to them because I think "Pharisee." Anyway, thanks for the feedback Chris, I probably was a little too incensed by the whole topic. I need to keep my eyes on the prize rather than stopping to bicker.